Join Our Community
You are joining the first type society of the DC-3, which provides type-specific guidance for operating the DC-3 and its variants, including the C-47, as a way to maintain airworthiness for the models so that future generations can see them fly. The society also serves the legacy of veterans who flew, maintained, and required the model to prevail in conflicts ranging from World War II to the Vietnam War.

Current Membership Levels
Several membership levels are available, from multiple options for DC-3 operators, pilot/mechanic (and crew) membership for those typed and proficient in crewing and maintaining the airplane, as well, enthusiast/historian membership for those who wish to study and support the type. Additional levels include media memberships and student/collegiate opportunities.
Aircraft Owner / Operator
This level is designed for Part 91 operations involving a DC-3 for cargo, pest control, humanitarian missions, private use, or other civil transport operations.
Your membership includes three additional crew members. You will be asked to designate those crew members after joining the society.
Member Benefits Include:
Participation in official D-Day Squadron events, flyovers, and Social Media
Promotion to a growing audience of 50,000+
Access to D-Day Squadron and DC-3 Society affiliate partner programs/discounts
Discounted group purchases (parts, insurance, etc.)
Access to Maintenance / Operations database and other resources
Marketing and booking facilitation for airshows, jump team reservations and events
Custom leather patch
Access to D-Day Squadron education programs
Unit Spotlight in Newsletter (recognition)
Annual D-Day Squadron Gift (decided upon by Society)
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Aircraft Owner Operator
Every year
This level is designed for DC-3 operations undergoing restoration or turbo conversions, giving new life to flying history.
Your membership includes one additional crew member. You will be asked to designate the crew member after joining the society.
Receives several main AOO Benefits Plus:
D-Day Squadron (DDS) will promote and share progress of restoration project across platforms (must provide short feature content/photos, make sure progress posts are ‘sharable’)
DDS to help facilitate opportunities to engage with our Mighty 15 on any possible needs, supplies, equipment, restoration support through our direct communications with our 15 crews
Opportunity to contribute to ‘DC-3 restoration spotlight’ in our newsletter
Participation with our Young Historians Program
Free Fundraising Consulting for your nonprofit operation by our 20-year veteran professional fundraiser (hour max applies)
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Restoration Aircraft Owner / Operator
Every year
This level is designed for museums which operate, display and/or use a DC-3 type for outreach.
Your membership includes one additional crew member. You will be asked to designate the crew member when joining the society.
Receives several main AOO Benefits Plus:
D-Day Squadron (DDS) will promote museum related DC-3 events across platform
DDS to help facilitate local crews or veterans for museum DC-3 educational or speaking engagements
Site for hosting our documentary film, “Into Flight Once More” narrated by Gary Sinise, produced by Sound Off Films
Opportunity to contribute to ‘DC-3/museum spotlight’ in our newsletter
Free Fundraising Consulting for your nonprofit operation by our 20-year veteran professional fundraiser (hour max applies)
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Museum AOO
Every year
This level is designed for DC-3 type rated pilot (PIC or SIC), certified mechanics, jumpmaster/loadmaster, parachutist, flight engineer, student DC-3 pilot.
Benefits Include:
Pilots and Mechanics listed in society database for maintenance, ferry, instruction or type rating services (must opt in with membership team)
Access up-to-date airworthiness documentation consolidated by our maintenance committee
Affiliate your DC-3 with the D-Day Squadron
Support, promotion and valuable discounts to tell your aircraft’s story for future generations
Custom leather soft name patch
Special discount on custom DC-3 apparel with partner, On Final Aviation Apparel
Access to maintenance / operations database and other resources
Access to D-Day Squadron and DC-3 Society affiliate partner programs/discounts
Opportunity for ‘crew’ spotlights in newsletter feature stories
Annual D-Day Squadron Gift (decided upon by Society)
DPEs, instructors listed on members only section of website developed for DC-3 Training
Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

DC-3 Crew
Every year
This level is designated for media professionals.
Benefits Include:
Attendance at DC-3 Society events
Access to D-Day Squadron and DC-3 Society affiliate partner programs/discounts
Historical participation with D-Day Squadron Outreach &
Education Programs
On-board access to available flyovers, formation training sorties, seasonal training events, and showcase events
Listed on our D-Day Squadron Media Distribution
Gift from D-Day Squadron
Possible listing on media page of the D-Day Squadron website
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Media Level
Every year
This level is designed for those who are DC-3 enthusiasts, as well as, WWII historians who are passionate about sharing the service & sacrifice of the Greatest Generation.
Benefits Include:
Invitation to D-Day Squadron events
Historical participation with D-Day Squadron Outreach & Education Programs
Annual D-Day Squadron Gift (decided upon by Society)
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Enthusiast / Historian
Every year
This level is designed for any high school or collegiate student.
Benefits Include:
Attendance at D-Day Squadron events
Historical participation with D-Day Squadron
Outreach & Education Programs
Access to aircraft and crews, depending on public event
Eligible to join the Young Historians Program
​Membership Certificate for framing/keepsake

Student / Collegiate
Every year
Select a plan that is right for you.
Aircraft Owner Operator
1,000$Every yearPart 91 operations involving DC-3 & other transport ops...Â- Your membership includes three additional crew members.
Restoration Aircraft Owner / Operator
500$Every yearDC-3 operations currently undergoing restoration.Â- Your membership includes one additional crew member.
DC-3 Crew
150$Every yearDC-3 type rated pilotÂMuseum AOO
350$Every yearMuseums which operate and/or display a DC-3Â- Your membership includes one additional crew member.
Media Level
100$Every yearDesignated for media professionals.ÂEnthusiast / Historian
75$Every yearDC-3 enthusiasts, as well as, WWII historiansÂStudent / Collegiate
25$Every yearDesigned for any high school or collegiate student.ÂLifetime Membership - Individual
2,000$ÂÂ- Exclusive Events: Private airshows and gatherings.
- Membership Perks: Certificate, pin, memorabilia.
- Educational Access: Archives, webinars, updates.
- Preservation Support: Help keep DC-3s flying.